Friday, January 4, 2008

Confusion reigns

These are the days of confusion, still in the midst of this unresolved political crisis and outbreaks of violence on the streets.

Yesterday was due to be another tumultuous day because of a million-man rally that was scheduled by the opposition candidate in the big park downtown. So Sarah’s office was officially closed again, and we all stayed home and inside all day.

From mid-morning to mid afternoon, we heard plenty of frightening activity as people organized and headed to the rally, which was canceled by mid-afternoon. But during that period, the city and country had some really tense moments. I actually saw the shopping center where we do our grocery shopping and where we go to the gym on CNN very briefly yesterday. This should give you some idea of what's happening that close to us – if the international news media are gathering footage from that portion of the street! After that, from what we could hear, the streets were very quiet, and we ended the day having survived another one in this momentous week.

We woke up this morning hoping for a normal day – that we could get just one normal day in this week. Sarah showered and went about her routine to go to work, but then the acting director called to say the rally was going to be held today, so not to come in to the office. Jane, our housekeeper/nanny showed up still, and she worked until lunch, and then we sent her home as both Sarah and I are around to watch Lexi this afternoon. And we wanted to get out of the house, so we took a walk to the grocery store, which wasn’t crowded. The traffic on the roads was lighter than usual. We could see here and there small piles where tires, probably, had been burned by the crowds yesterday, but otherwise there was no evidence of damaged, burned or looted property on the route to the store. But still today, many shops were closed, including the post office.

But confusion still reigns. Here is what has happened with this rally by the opposition party:

  • Sunday, when the results of the voting were announced: The opposition candidate called for a rally to take place on Thursday.
  • Thursday (yesterday): People started gathering and funneling into the city center for the rally, but it fizzled out because the police were successful in dispersing the crowds. Then we heard a rumor that the rally had been rescheduled for Saturday.
  • Friday: We woke up this morning and heard that the rally was scheduled for today. If large crowds were going to gather, we certainly didn’t see them this morning, and as I write this, it sounds quiet outside on the main road.

I suppose in this way, the opposition candidate, the loser in the presidential race, can have some control and power.

So, as we’ve learned this week, we can only report on today or the past – there’s no use in speculating on what will happen tomorrow. The situation is still just to volatile, unpredictable and remains unresolved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephen & Sarah, thank you for updating this so frequently! I have been watching the news closely and checking your blogs.