Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back in South Africa

So I am back to South Africa, roughly 1 month later for a meeting for work. We are going to be here a whole week. It is much colder here than it was 2 weeks which is going to be problematic for me as I didn’t bring the right type of clothes! People will just have to get used to seeing me in the same sweater every day…

Stephen and I are still trying to figure out why Kenyans seem to give oblique answers – or can’t give you the correct answer, but give you an answer that they think you want to here. ‘Is this chicken?’ ‘Yes.’ But it’s not – it’s turkey. ‘How small does that playpen fold up?’ ‘Yes.’ We can’t believe that these people don’t know the right answers – but they don’t seem to be trained in customer service at all.

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